Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Desperate Youth Join Military For Jobs - Bad Choice

This government, like the one it preceded, is hell bent on continual war.

With the current depression youth graduating high school see themselves with 3 choices. 1. Struggle to find a job. Unlikely. 2. Go to college. This puts off a job for at least 4 yers, but lands one in deep debt that cannot be shed. And still there may not be a job. 3. Join the military. Hope to be lucky and survive, uninjured to go to school on the government dollar. If that happens you will be older, wiser, more cynical, and may have lost parts of your soul for the actions you've been ordered to take in the name of Freedom.

I'm sorry, a government taking unconstitutional actions is not acting for anyone's freedoms. They are simply acting in the interests of their moneyed backers.

"Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy." -Henry Kissinger

I grew up in the Vietnam era. At the time we did have a draft.I had a low draft number, and knew I would be drafted on my birthday. I saw Vietnam as an illegal war. There was no meaning for us to be there killing, and having our young men killed. I joined the National Guard as soon as possible.

It was a decision that, even today 40+ years later, I know was the right one for me.

It is a decision that would not work for today's young people. The Guard and Reserves are looked upon as part of the active military. More cannon fodder.

I have no male children, only grandchildren. What would I say if they wanted to join the military today? Just NO.

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