Well, 2010 has been quite a year so far, I was fired from my Self Storage Manager job. i could rant on about my supervisors, but will simply stop there.
Obama and the congress have hijacked our financial system. Many are saying they're 'hell bent" on bankrupting the country.
I received an email yesterday that St. Louis, Mo. had to lay off several police officers. There is a lot of lawlessness expected there. I imagine that will lead to a run on the gun stores in St. Louis. To me, that is a good thing that every man is armed as it makes home invasions a riskier proposition for any criminal.
"The great object is, that every man be armed. [...] Every one who is able may have a gun." -- Patrick Henry, speech of June 14 1788
"An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject." -- Unknown Author
O.K. The good news is sfter searching through various ideas for months, I decided to start a new business in the advertising field. It will be a great service for new residents here in Sarasota, Fl. The business is Sarasota Welcome Service
More posts on this as we progress.
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