Monday, March 2, 2009

Anchored to the Rock

When, I read the newspaper (a waste) or listen to the news I often feel pity for people. Of course, the people who have lost their jobs. Most of all, I pity those who do not have Jesus Christ as their saviour. Why? Because the have no one to share their burdens with. Looking at today's financial picture they must have no hope.

Today there are many burdon's to share. Peoples financial plans are not working out due to job losses, layoffs, 401k's and other stocks crumbling. The news will likely get worse before it gets better. For the man of the house, his family may be looking to him for solutions. He may not have any solutions. Things are pretty much out of men's control to some degree, today.

This is a time to thank God for all things. Even those things that appear to be bad things. When things get out of your control, get your butt on down to church and get to know the one who has all things under control. Then ask him to take the reins and guide you out of your mess. God can grow flowers on the rubbish heap of anyone's life.

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

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