Network marketing companies have found that hard times cause their enrollments to soar. Why is this? I think it is simple really. When people find that jobs are hard to come by, they start looking at other options.
Suddenly that crazy brother or sister in law with all the entrepreneurial ideas is looking a little smarter. Now, that friend at work hawking the vitamin juice may not be such a health nut kook after all.
A word of caution is in order. Good companies are available to join but the scammers are also looking for the unwary, as well and are more than happy to take your money and run. Remember, any worthwhile business will have a product or service that is able to be sold to an end user attached to their opportunity.
If you never hear about the product or service or no one ever talks about how they enroll customers into their service or how customers use their products, then you may be talking to a scammer. Usually the scammers and gifting schemes will spend some time telling you how their program is legal. Why would any legitimate business have to cover that unless someone had asked a question?
Follow a few simply rules while investigating any network marketing opportunity.
Ask questions and don't be bullied into signing up today.
Research the owners online.
Stay away from Start-ups (most new companies fail in the first 2 years)
Look carefully at the products or services
Is the product or service of sufficient value that I would buy it at retail? If not and you don't have a need for that product or service then ask: will others buy it? Am I overlooking something? If others will buy the products or services, this company may still be a winner, if competitively priced. Is there enough value that people will continue buying for years?
Are they a customer focused company?
In other words do they have web sites for retailing to customers? Do the emphasis getting customers as well as representatives?
Is their product or service in High Demand?
Does it appeal to a large audience of consumers? Does it capture a growing trend or address a problem?
If you're looking for a plan B because you plan A job or career isn't working out, then I say welcome to my world. Plan on working to learn the industry during your first 2 years. Some people are very successful right off the bat, but that is the exception nopt the norm. If the company or sponsor you choose offer good training, then plug in and learn and you'll do well in the networking industry.
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