I am almost unemployable. I have a hard time being content while working for other people. I guess it's because I don't understand their business policies that have a net effect of driving customers away into the arms of a competitor. I guess this is why I like Network Marketing so much.
In network marketing you are free (in most companies) to build your business in a different way than another does. Some may wish to build online through pay per click ads or another through blogging and free memberships in social media sites. Still anothe may choose to build through face to face networking groups, warm markets or personal contacts and another may distribute cards and flyers.
In network marketing there usually is no dress code. Some of the most successful networker's of all time have spent their careers in boat shoes and blue jeans. I am not saying to dress that way, but only saying, that in this industry you are free to be authentic.
Being authentic is where it's at when you are trying to attract people into you business. Being in a business that helps people is important to me. I hope it's important to you as well.