Friday, November 30, 2012

My Blood Pressure is Dropping

Last week I posted about starting on Proargi9 to deal with my high blood pressure and lack of oxygen. Have been on the product for a week and 1 day. I woke up feeling better this a.m. than I have for a long time. Today, after work my blood pressure was 117 over 74. Lowest I have seen for months.

Here's another guy getting good results.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Solution For High Blood Pressure?

In March of 2004 I had a stroke. It was caused by a combination of high blood pressure and diabetes. Afterwards my doc put me on many medications. After looking up the potential side effects I found alternatives from natural sources for most of them.

I was on a pill for diabetes, but even so could not get my blood sugar below a 250 reading. Then I found out about Barry Sears and the Zone Diet. This helped me get my sugars controlled within a week. then i worked on getting off the diabetes pill.

I was also on a blood pressure pill which I have stayed on. Within a few weeks of the stroke I was having chest pains walking to the mailbox. I was also pretty weak. That's when I started doing intravenous chelation. That's a process where a man made amino acid mix called edta cleans out heavy metals and plaque from the arteries.

I have done this off and on now for 8 years to keep kicking above ground. A week ago I was getting short of breath and needing chelation so I went up and had a treatment. That Monday night I had an episode of chest pain, shortness of breath, and jaw pain. Like I was about to have a heart attack. Tuesday night a repeat experience. Wednesday I was fine. Thursday morning I woke to find shortness of breath, light chest pain, and I was concerned.

I got to work, sat down and remembered Synergy's Proargi9 Plus. I had been a distributor for them a couple years earlier, and foolishly stopped taking the product after a couple weeks. I looked the product up online and watched a few videos. I realized that I need proargi9 so I thought about who might have some locally. I thought about a natural foods store guy who bought most good products regardless of their distribution channel. They had it. I sent my wife for it.

Sure enough after taking it I felt good. took again that evening, and have continued taking morning and evening. No chest pains. No more episodes. As of today I have been taking for 5 days. Yesterday I had planned to go for chelation again, but my wife said: "Why go, the proargi9 seems to be working!" My blood pressure control is good, and no problems. Proargi9 is working, for me.

i found a good guy to sponsor me into Synergy. Here's my link to check out the product:

My link to learn a lot more:
