Saturday, August 11, 2012
Gold Is Money and Nothing Else
Suddenly this year Gold is used as currency again. Recently Donald Trump accepted Gold Bullion from Apmex for their deposit on leased office space.
Now JP Morgan accepts gold as insurance against counter party risk.
Many states have passed legal currency laws saying that merchants can accept gold and silver coins for payments. These laws are not complete as they are accepting coins at face value stamped on coins. No way I will give you a silver eagle for a $1.00 payment!
“Gold is money and Nothing else.” -- JP Morgan, Banker, testifying before Congress in 1913 By this he meant that gold always has value. See the Peter Schiff Blog
Central banks across the world are buying up gold and silver, as a hedge against the unthinkable. A Global financial meltdown. This seems more likely day by day.
Here in the U.S. I believe we're in the early part of our Second Great Depression. At least the 23% out of work would agree! See Shadowstats.com to see the real unemployment numbers.
It is a crying shame that none of the financial data on the Mainstream news channels is true.
What can an ordinary citizen do?