Monday, February 28, 2011
Honest Gold Guy of Sarasota Opens Wednesday
I have been working for a few months toward opening the Honest Gold Guy of Sarasota. It takes several licenses, and permits to open a gold buying business. Finally today the last go ahead came through. The licenses are up and I am opening this Wednesday 03/02/2011 to buy some gold or silver. Am I totally ready? Probably not, there are always glitches, and things you forgot about, but you have to jump in the water to get wet!
So if you are looking for an honest gold buyer in Sarasota, FL, stop in and see me or check out the Honest Gold Guy of Sarasota web site.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Record Gold and Silver prices
The turmoil in the world has had a positive effect for the Gold and Silver prices. Gold reached 1,380.00 an ounce and silver reached 32.66 an ounce this past week.
Will they go higher? Yes, with the free spending that is going on worldwide and especially with the Obama administration, the fiat currencies will fall and gold will rise.
Wondering what today's prices are? Check Gold and Silver spot prices here:How to Sell Your Gold
Most people under-estimate how much their gold is worth. Don't be taken. The Honest Gold guy is a Gold Buyer in Sarasota giving fast fair and friendly service.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Make Big Plans
Make big plans
...that's the best way to make big things happen.
Write down your plans. Share them with trusted colleagues. Seek out team members and accomplices.
Shun the non-believers. They won't be easily convinced, but they can be ignored.
Is there any doubt that making big plans increases the chances that something great will happen?
Is there any doubt that we need your art and your contribution?
Why then, are you hesitating to make big plans?
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Donald Trump's Ten Tips for Success
I just put up a page of Donald Trump Quotes
In my quotes I have Trumps Top Ten Tips for success, which I have listed below:
Trump’s Top Ten Tips for Success:
1. Be focused. Put everything you’ve got into what you do every day.
2. Believe in yourself. If you don’t, no one else will.
3. Be tenacious.
4. Trust your instincts.
5. Maintain your momentum and keep everyone moving forward.
6. See yourself as victorious and leading a winning team.
7. Be passionate about what you do.
8. Live on the edge. Do not become complacent.
9. Leadership is not a group effort. If you’re in charge, then be in charge.
10. Never give up!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
What is Real Money
I've been updating some pages on my web site like Quotes About Money, and Gold and Silver Terms. Doing so the subject of real money keeps occurring. What is real money? Do you know? Is it the federal reserve notes in your pocket? No, those are instruments of indebtedness. For every one issued we citizens owe interest to the Federal Reserve and the world bankers.
Real money has been gold and silver since 500 B.C. Today in the United States they are not classified as real money by the U.S. Government, but in the real world they can easily be exchanged for more and more federal reserve notes every day.
The constitution says only the congress can coin money. According to that only precious metals can be real money.
What do you think?
Monday, February 7, 2011
Small Business people Victims of the Recession
In their place, are many more charity stores like Goodwill, and Habitat for Humanity. These are all worthwhile charities, but they do put even more pressure on small business retailers. Now Goodwill has bookstores here. They also have opened a store that is like an art gallery of used paintings and wall furnishings.
In the past small business's biggest enemies were the price clubs like Sams Club and Costco. In small towns the enemy of independent business was Wal-Mart.
Of course now Uncle Sam is trying to muscle in and nationalize business. That must be stopped!!!
If you're a small business person and feel like an endangered species; You are.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Starting over again

Many Americans are finding themselves in the position of starting over again. This due to jobs ending, suddenly. With no comparable job available.
This is leading to a resurgence of start up businesses. No so much from desire, but from necessity.
Here are some Starting Over Quotes
for some motivation as you start a new business, or start over in life.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
I'm doing it - My new Gold Buying Business

It's been quite a ride over the last few years. I have started several part time, and full time businesses without finding my new niche. Around the end of November 2010 I found Greg the Honest Gold Guy in Prescott as I was surfing You Tube.
I was intrigued by his approach to the gold and silver buying business. Particularly so, as I felt that there were a lot of crooks in the industry. This bothered me as I knew times were hard. People deserve to get a fair deal. I signed up for Greg's Scrap Gold Business School shortly after deciding I would like to be the Honest Gold Guy of Sarasota.
Things have been progressing. I started studying the Gold and silver buying business, started my web site, sent in my licensing application, and leased a location at a busy intersection. Now I am chasing down all the details as I prepare to open up by late February.
If you're in Sarasota and want to sell gold or silver, please contact me to get a fast fair, and honest price for your gold or silver.