Deciding is the first step to not taking part in the current recession.
Sure lot's of people are out of work, depressed, sad and saying the world is about to end. That feeling is contagious and not one to pick up. If you can point your friends in the direction of a job. Be sympathetic, it's no fun for anyone to be out of work.
Now, let's start brainstorming. Do you have a business that's going forward? What can you do to make it do better? How can you contact more people?
If you do not have a good business it's time to find one.
Working a job is only going to pay the bills. No more. If you need to pay the bills get a job, but find a business to work part time.
As Jim Rohn says: "If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they may have planned for you? Not much." --Jim Rohn
Start a network marketing business. It can pay you over and over again for work you'll do this year.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Recession, Decide not to take part
Leveraging friendships is a fast way to get a job
Well, It did not take my daughter long to get a job this time. She called a friend who manages a place & they had an opening. She stopped by next day and goes to work in a couple days.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Getting Laid Off is a Kick in the Teeth
My daughter started a new job this week. She was so happy. Then today she called me crying. What??
With no warning her boss said "Hold up I need to speak to you." Then the kick. "We hired too many people so we're letting you go. But we may still need you so, you're not fired. You were the last hired, so we have to let you go." Of course that was not all true, but when you take a job, that's the risk you take. They might not like your age, attituden hairdo or whatever and you're gone. After all, in this economy, anyone is expendable.
I invested $100.00 a few years ago for my own business. It has paid me for monthly 10 years, now . I get paid for work I did 10 years ago today. That's better than a job.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Finding jobs in the new economy
A lot of people have been laid off. I had a part time job myself that went away a month ago. Businesses today, have to look at everything through the eyes of keeping their businesses afloat. That sometimes means shedding a few positions.
The question for many after the get laid off is "Now what?"
I would encourage action right away.
First, file for unemployment as getting a job takes longer today.
Second, Be willing to take a part time position, if needed.
Third, Let your friends and colleagues know you're looking, in case they run into something. A large number of jobs never get advertised as they're filled by referral.
Fourth, Consider what some Job web sites call non traditional jobs. They mean network marketing or being an independent distributor.
Network marketing usually blooms during recessions. I can't say about depressions as Network Marketing did not exist until the late 1940's when the forerunners to Amway started.
During the leaner times, more people than ever look at any avenue that can be a money maker. Just be careful that the product or service is in demand. You need a business that pays you to retail as retail product profits help you build a business.
Make sure there is ethical leadership. If you're successful and build a large check you want the check and business to continue.
Are Diabetics Depressed and Angry?
Are diabetics depressed and angry because of the feeling that they have no control of their disease? They may be. 30% of diabetics will fight depression at one time or another. Once your doctor pronounces diabetes as incurable it's not crazy to feel sorry for yourself or angry. Once you learn that there is hope for regulated type 2 diabetes with diet, exercise and attitude the skys seem sunnier. I have been fortunate not to deal with depression a lot, although like everyone, I've had my days. I just posted a new page about diabetes and depression on my web site. Here's the link to Diabetes and Depression.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Beat Type 2 Diabetes Before It Beats You

Are you a type 2 diabetic? Did you just find out that you have diabetes? Many diabetics go into denial or depression once they're diagnosed. It's no surprise really.
You go to the doctor with sky high blood sugar readings. He sees you for 15 minutes, gives you some pills and mutters something about losing weight and checking your sugars several times a day.
What the doctor usually fails to do is tell you how to lose the weight, warn you about how you may feel weak or any of the problems that we diabetics face as we learn to control our sugars.
When I learned to get my sugars under control, I told my doctor how I did it.
Read my diabetic story and see how I beat diabetes. You can too.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
The Heart of The Business
Lessons I have learned in Network Marketing.
You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want. -- Zig Ziglar
I was fortunate to join a company a few years ago & have Dale Calvert as my mentor. He taught me that most of what happens to us is because of what’s been programmed inside our heads. Most of us need to erase some old programming by rewriting better programming over it. He taught us “If you don’t know why, the how doesn’t matter!”
He taught us the importance of investing in ourselves. To enjoy the journey and that, more important than the money, was the people you meet and the friendships you develop along the journey. He taught us to take lots of pictures to leave behind for our family.
One of my Upline mentors in Dale’s company was Phil Shuff. Phil taught me that a constant sustained effort is always better than going like crazy for a few days and then doing nothing.
Tony Robbins taught me the CANI philosophy Constant and Never Ending Improvement.
Jim Rohn taught me that it’s our own fault where we are and it’s o.k. to take personal responsibility but that we can change because “We’re not a tree!”
One of my more recent mentors is Michael Oliver. Michael confirmed that I wasn’t crazy. I knew this, but some of my family is still unsure. I have always disliked traditional sales techniques and felt uncomfortable with the idea of ever manipulating anyone to make a sale. For some time we have said: “The harder you close someone the less they will do!” What Michael has taught me is there is a way to be personable and that through asking questions (while laying aside my agenda of making a sale or signing someone up) and understanding what people mean by listening, really listening, to my potential business partner I can help them get what they want better than I could ever before. At no time am I viewed as a salesperson and the joy of doing my work is alive.
MLM companies
Loyalty is a two way street. With company ownership some always tell the truth & some pretend to. My Dad always said ”Figures don’t lie but even liars can figure!” I have found that one must go by the actions of a company not by it’s statements. Good company ownership is a rare commodity. Why do people switch from company to company? For the newbies they are looking for the easy way to make money. For the pros sometimes their conscience will no longer allow them to recruit into a company regardless of the compensation.
Integrity is something one is continually learning & improving on, not only in this industry but also in life. All one can do is to do their best and apologize for the rest. Take comfort in the fact that here on terra firma there are currently no perfect beings walking. Am I doing what I feel is right with my present knowledge? If so I am the right path.
Some people can’t say no, that’s why a hot prospect whether for the business, service or product suddenly never answers your call. When this happens, leave them a message & understand that some people will go out way out of their way to avoid what they think will be a conflict or a sales pitch. That’s why some people buy cars over the internet or shop car lots after the salepeople have left for the day. Accept it as a reality of the business and don’t allow it to frustrate you. People do not always do what we think they should do.
Don’t chase the money. I have learned this as a life lesson. Every time I have made a business decision based on what I can make as the the primary part of the decision, it has been a mistake. If the business is right the money will be there. (obviously the compensation plan must be workable.)
Go on a Crusade. If you approach your business like a personal mission it will propel you to success. Many of mankind's greatest inventions were born out of a personal problem or loss. Here again be very careful of the company you chose to be your partner on the crusade or it could be short circuited.
Residual income really works. I learned that by receiving it. that,You can pay all your bills with it and have money left over! It is much more than a concept it’s awesome to experience. I cannot even conceive of going back to being the slave of a J.O.B. (journey of the broke) for my only income source, ever again.
There are other lessons, so . . . . Keep learning.
There are other lessons, some of which I am still learning. As my mentor Dale Calvert has repeated many times “Stay green and growing cause once you’re ripe you rot.”
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
My friend RJ died today

My friend RJ died today. He was a smoker. The smoking did him in with the complications of vascular disease. After I heard the news it got me thinking about all the friends I had lost to smoking. I wrote a page on my web site about it. It is titled the Dangers of Smoking
Who Can You Trust Today?
My aunt gave me a gift subscription to The American Diabetes Association's "Diabetes Forecast" magazine. After I read through the first few issues, they started hitting the round file. It seems very clear that despite their claims to exist for the cause of preventing and curing diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. I don't believe them.
Then there is this recent article
on May 16, 2005
After Sweet Industry Gift, American Diabetes Assn. Claims Sugar Has Nothing to Do With Diabetes
After the American Diabetes Association received a large gift from major manufacturer of sugar-sweetened beverages, its top medical official is claiming that sugar has nothing to do with diabetes. In an interview published in today’s Corporate Crime Reporter, Richard Kahn, the chief scientific and medical officer with the American Diabetes Association said “What is the evidence that sugar itself has anything to do with diabetes? There is no evidence,”
On April 21, 2005 the ADA announced a “three-year, multi-million dollar alliance” with Cadbury Schweppes Americas Beverages, which produces sweetened soft drinks that are implicated in the epidemic of obesity and diabetes in the United States. Its parent company is Cadbury Schweppes, which is the third largest soft-drink manufacturer in the world, after Coca-Cola and PepsiCo.
“Saying that sugar has nothing to do with diabetes is like saying that tobacco has nothing to do with emphysema,” said Gary Ruskin, executive director of Commercial Alert. “The American Diabetes Association has been so corrupted that they have sunk to the mentality of ‘tobacco scientists’ who denied the link between tobacco and lung cancer.”
Incredibly, when Kahn was asked whether sugary drinks have anything to do with diabetes, he responded “No one has a clue of whether they do or don’t.”
Yet, Dr. Nicholas Perricone in his book: The Perricone Promise, totally refutes the statement above that "no one has a clue whether sugary drinks can cause diabetes" when he states: Sugar can be toxic. Ingesting sugar causes a rise in blood sugar, resulting in a burst of inflammatory chemicals that spread throughout our bodies. He states Pro-inflammatory foods are those that cause a rapid rise in blood sugar, resulting in the release of insulin into the bloodstream. Then The Major Food Manufacturers Have you ever wondered why you see high fructose corn syrup in some many foods today? It is a simple truth. Our government subsidizes the producers to keep the prices cheap and corn syrup is a cheap additive. Never mind that it causes havoc with consumer health. If it tastes sweet people will eat more and raise the profits of the food manufacturers. No I don't believe that all the food manufacturers are bad. There are a some good ones out there. All I can say is learn to read the labels carefully. Look out for words like enriched, partially hydrogenated and many other terms we'll cover on another page.
There is ample evidence linking diets high in sugar, and sugary drinks, with obesity. For example, a study in the Lancet, titled "Relation Between Consumption of Sugar-Sweetened Drinks and Childhood Obesity: a Prospective, Observational Analysis" found that the likelihood of obesity in children “increased 1.6 times for each additional can of sugar-sweetened drink that they consumed every day.”
Gosh, I thought it was too much refined sugary foods that gave me diabetes, just like Dr. Perricone talks about. But now, the ADA says they are not sure about whether sugar is harmful?
When an organization is supported by the enemies of health; figure it out for yourself. Most of the magazines advertisers are drug manufacturers. Their goal is to continue to treat you until you die.
Fortunately there are many doctors and researchers today who are working towards finding the causes and cures for diabetes.